David and Janet Shaw Wildlife

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Welcome to David and Janet Shaw's Wildlife Experience....Life through a lens naturally ....!!

Chichester Peregrines Nest Camera

David Shaw Photography

Experience the real moment this is the new website please visit it to see all the latest pictures and services including the new wedding package available during the current covid 19 pandemic a real solution for all Brides and Grooms
at an affordable cost.....
Visit for all of Janet and Davids latest news and updates
 and see their new projects  and services.....
David Shaw Photography

David Shaw Wildlife Blog

Experience the real moment with our stunning photography  shot in the wild in their true habitat. this really is the true wild.
All the latest news from their travels around the world......

 Wild in Alaska

Some of our finest images taken on the wild side........What an extraordinary place still so wild truly the last frontier.....The best way to get to where you need to be is by float plane.....we fly with Beryl Air Stephanie is such a great pilot.....Safe and Knowledgeable I would always choose to fly with her.

 California Dreaming

Another one of our favourite places on the planet we love going there. The scenery is absolutely beautiful and spectacular. As usual we go for the wildlife and our favourite pastime is going out from Monterey to whale watch.The best way to do this is to go out with Kate and Don on the Fast Raft they offer the best way to see all the wildlife in the bay and have tremendous knowledge of all the there is to see.

India Tiger Cubs

Over the years we have had the most incredible times in India and been so lucky and privileged to see so many different families with cubs of various ages the youngest were just six weeks old.Stay with and book through the Ranthambore Regency Hotel  for a wonderful stay and complete peace of mind....This is a family run business who care about attention to detail and making sure you get the best from your trip.
India Cubs
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